1. Will this unit stand upright on its own or does it have to be hung on the wall?
    It can’t stand upright on its own. It comes with a docking station or wall mount which you can use to hold the vacuum and its accessories
  2. What is the suction power rated at??
    The main motor power is rated at 450W. This means that the suction power created when using the floor brush is rated at 120W.
  3. What is the input voltage? Can this be charged at 220v?
    The input voltage of charger varies by country and region, and the warranty is based on the assumption of "local purchase and local use". We recommend following the instruction manuals and prints when using the charger.
  4. How do I charge my battery pack?
    Wall-mounted dock: Connect the adaptor to docking station and outlet.
    Charge the battery installed on the main body, or charge the battery separately.
    Dual adaptor can charge two battery packs at the same time. Three blue lights blinking successively ist Charging.

    Charging dock: Put away the main body or the battery on the charging dock.
    Charge the main body with battery or charge the battery separately.
    The charging dock is capable to power the main body and the second battery simultaneously. Three blue lights blinking successively ist Charging.
  5. How do I remove and clean the soft roller?
    You can use a coin or other tool to unlock the brush roller lock, then remove the brush from the brush window. To remove the hair and debris wrapped around the roller you can use Tineco Hair Cleaning Tool.
  6. How do I know when the filters need to be cleaned?
    The filters should be cleaned when you feel that the device has reduced suction or when the indicator light on the battery pack blinks in a pink color.
  7. How often should I wash the pre-filter?
    We suggest you clean the pre-filter at least once a week with our rinse-free pre filter cleaning tool. It also depends on the actual use condition of the filters.
  8. How do I register my vacuum?
    You can register your product on https://www.tineco.com/ by clicking on Register on the upper right hand corner of the page. Please input your email, serial number of your Tineco device and the date of your purchase. If you do not register your product, your products will still have its 2-year limited warranty.
  9. Where can I purchase additional accessories or replacement parts?
    "You can purchase additional accessories or replacement parts on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/6A13732D-3327-4C16-9783-3A72568473BD
    Please contact customer service if you cannot find the item your looking for.
    *Please note that this will change after we launch into other places"
  10. How do I store my vacuum?
    We recommend storing the vacuum in the charging dock or on the wall-mounted dock that comes with the vacuum. You can place the main body of the vacuum on any flat surface.

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